Monday, January 17, 2011

Time Management: Come Again?

New Year’s Resolutions: a time of reflection, to better yourself, to change what you don’t like...A time to make many claims you won’t follow through with.
I never got the point of New Year’s Resolutions. Why wait for January first to change something about yourself? Is it supposed to make it a more credible change or something? I bet you won’t be surprised to know that more gym memberships are made in January than any other month of the year.
I don’t save my resolutions for New Year’s. I don’t believe it has special powers, or will make me a better person. I make me a better person any day of the year. On this particular day, I think I need better time management, especially with a new semester approaching fast.
I’m a horrible, horrible procrastinator. I write papers due at ten am at two am, or sometimes even two hours before class. I once spent nine hours in front of a computer the day before a massive research paper was due because I hadn’t started it yet. I think I made Mater fear for my sanity that day; we’d be sitting in a silent room, both of us working away, and all of a sudden I’d scream at the top of my lungs and slam my head into the desk. It happened many times.
My poor time management is not a new thing. When a teacher says, “This isn’t an assignment you can do in one night”, I think; Challenge accepted. Bring it on. While this mindset makes it incredibly impressive when you get your project back with an A-, and you can state proudly, “I did all of this the night before”, it’s really not fun. It’s nerve-racking, painful, and exhausting. It only gets worse in college. 
So, with this lovely BOW’11 challenge, I am attempting to manage my time. At least this way, I can do it with something. For example, it is currently January third at 8:43 pm. It was originally going to be posted on the tenth, but I felt like posting something funny (see that last pretty post down there?). LOOK AT ME BE PRODUCTIVE!
...Yeah, productivity isn’t a strong point of mine, either. Sure, I could write my term paper, or I could read fanfiction. I could read the required chapters for English, or I could crochet a hat. I could do my Italian homework, or I could knit. You see where this is going.
Scratch that; I am productive. I make a lot of hats, scarves, and hand warmers. I teach people how to knit, crochet, and I maintain a job. I’m just really, really bad about my homework.

The highlight of my first semester at college? I crocheted EIGHTEEN HATS.
Wander safely,

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