Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow is NOT Okay.

I was born and raised in New England my whole life. It really is a pretty area; spring is green, summer is gorgeous, fall is full of multicolored leaves, and winter....WINTER SUCKS.

I HATE the cold. It's so...COLD. I don't like how it feels against my cheeks, I don't like how it freezes my nose, makes my ears want to fall off, hurts my fingers, etc. I'm a very bitter New Englander.

This year, more than most, has had me in quite a sour mood. We just had our fourth snow storm in a month, and we are about to receive our fifth. FIFTH. Snow storm. In a MONTH. My town has called three snow days in the last two weeks (not that it really applies to a college student). I don't understand why we need all this frozen white stuff to fall from the sky and make the earth all dead inside. I mean, other parts of the world survive without it, so why must we indulge it?

I didn't always hate snow. I loved it when I was little. Back when Fratello and Pater did all the shoveling, and snow days meant going sledding in the park. Now...I guess it's lost its charm.

Well, I know sledding lost it's charm after I did a face-plant into the ground, nearly losing a tooth and breaking my nose.

I guess, too, I never really took to snow in normal ways when I was younger, either. I never really had a snowball fight (or at least, not a fair one; Fratello never fought fair) or built a snowman. I've made forts, but that's about it.

Snow is beautiful to look at, and I will admit that going for a walk at two in the morning when the streets aren't plowed and snow is still falling from the sky is absolutely beautiful. Nothing could ever compare to that. Snow, too, is can be lovely when I've got a good book, a cup of tea, and I'm curled up in front a fire.

I love this image of my neighborhood after the last storm; pristine, quiet, beautiful...It doesn't change the sentiment that I hate snow.

I think everything changed when I became a vegetarian. I didn't do it the smart way, and I know I wasn't getting enough iron (I still don't). I had to go back to meat because of this, and every since, I've had an issue with cold. I mean, I sleep with two quilts, a blanket, two pairs of socks, long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt, yet I still don't get warm. It doesn't make any sense; I used to run around in bathing suits in the middle of January when I was little and be fine! However, Mater has pointed out that my room, for some unknown reason, is colder than any other room in the house. This might explain why I bundle up and freeze.

I guess it's more realistic to say that I hate the cold more than the snow. Sadly, this makes snow guilty by association.

Point of this ramble: I only approve of snow for so long. Then I start hunting for the fast forward button into spring. Spring is warm :)

Wander safely,

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