Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It Must be "Electronics Hate Arcaine" Day or Something

I've noticed I've been on a bit of a gaming kick lately. A video game post, then a video game fanfiction post, and now, an electronics post. I guess this must be my current obsession or something. I'm completely okay with that.

However, electronics seem to hate me lately. At least, the internet and my Playstation 2. I can understand the PS2 hating me; I haven't played it in at LEAST 18 months. But the internet? I am a loyal lover! I have been serving the darling internet faithfully for AGES. Yet, it hates me. Sadface :(

The Playstation 2

So, I've become re-obsessed with Kingdom Hearts. While I was home from college this weekend, I thought, "Hey, I'll get the playstation, and I'll lose many hours of sleep over it." This was not to be the case.

First, I went to Mater's house and got the playstation. I intended to play at Pater's. He's got this EPIC huge flat screen tv. And surround sound. Ultimate gaming experience.

I get to Pater's house and realize the Kingdom Hearts games are at Mater's. I get Fratello to back the truck out of the driveway-

 (Pater drives this really big truck, the driveway is narrow that requires several shifts in direction, and I suck at reverse. This claim is supported by the time I backed the truck into the house. I'm not allowed to back the truck out anymore)

-and go to Mater's at 12:30 am. I'm totally ninja and sneak into the house, up to the ATTIC, and out again without waking her up. I'm that skilled. Then I drive back to Pater's.

Upon returning to Pater's, I realize I have no controller. *Insert rage here.* I have a Dance Dance Revolution pad, but I've tried to play KH on that before, and it's ridiculously hard. I don't have the mental capacity to use a DDR pad for anything except DDR. So, discouraged and disheartened, I read KH fanfic for the rest of the night.

I don't get to attempt to play again until two nights later; life got in the way. Back at college, Pater and I spend an hour trying to get the PS2 to work. I've got a dinky little tv that I love to death, but it's got no red-white-yellow hook up. To compensate, I've got an RF Modulator (don't ask what it does, I have no idea). However, the RF Modulator has decided it no longer likes my dinky TV or the PS2, and refused to work. The PS2 turns on and runs the game, but the picture is all distorted and fuzzy.

After a while of pouting and prodding, I unhook the cable cord from the Modulator and BEHOLD! I CAN HAS PLAYSTATION! Apparently RF Modulator is picky and doesn't like cable unless it comes from a box. High standards, that.

I have several (more) moments of panic when I realize I don't have my memory card. I guess the PS2 gods agreed they have tortured Arc enough and reminded me it was in another bag here in the dorm and not at home. Thank you, PS2 gods!

All is lovely and well for about an hour. I have KH, a comfy bed, left over pad-thai...Arcaine is a happy camper. Then she leans forward to get something thing near the TV and IT DIES. The picture fails and, instead of being a smart gamer and pausing, Mr Magnetix* kills Arc because she tries to fight when she can't see.


After more pouting and prodding (and more pouting), I realized the picture died because I leaned forward on the remote and changed the channel. All is well now.

The Internet

The internet at my college is screwy. It likes to say you're connected, but when you try to do something, you realize its enjoying pulling your leg. The only real way to get internet in a WiFi dorm is to have an ethernet cord. Sing it with me, now:


So, doing anything on the internet is a battle, especially if I want to sit somewhere comfy; the ethernet cord doesn't reach much away from my desk, and the desk is NOT comfy. The chairs have BUTT GROOVES, and Arc likes to sit in funny positions.

So, whilst the PS2 picture is out of commission, the internet decides it doesn't love me anymore either. I was officially shut out of all things KH. Clearly, I pissed someone off in a past life. I'm not quite sure what prompted the internet to love me again, but thank GOD it's decided to. My life is on the internet, as I'm sure most teenagers' are.

Either way, electronics hate me. I'm sure if I pulled out my DS, it would shit itself, too. I'd also hold up my phone as an example, but my phone has been a piece of crap since it came into my possession. It doesn't count.

Wander safely (and may your electronics love you!),

*Mr Magnetix is not actually his name. He's the first boss in Traverse Town, and he body is made up to five pieces that sort of hover together. He reminds my friends and I of those Magnetix toys, hence his name. See?

He comes back later all cool and inverted as a CANNON. A FREAKING CANNON. BECAUSE HE WASN'T ANNOYING ENOUGH ALREADY. Augh ><

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