Thursday, February 17, 2011


I'm a die hard fanfiction lover. The majority of my time on a computer is spent reading fanfic, and I can guarantee that most of my browser history is covered in that lovely little symbol. The one with the many "F"s all twisted together.

I read a lot of Harry Potter fanfics, mostly Marauder Era (particularly Sirius and Remus), though I do love a good Draco story, or even a Cedric. I also dabble quite a bit in Kingdom Hearts (because the last post didn't hint to that at all). Organization XIII is my obsession, and if I ever had an OTP, it was Akuroku*. Zemyx*, Soku*, and Cleon* make my day as well. Once upon a time, I read Naruto stuff as well, but only Sasuke.

But it occurred to me, as I was traversing the Kingdom Hearts archives for a good Akuroku, that....Aren't all fanfics pretty much the same? Let's examine the usual dynamics of an Akuroku story:

  • Roxas moves to a new town.
  • Axel immediately takes a liking to Roxas.
  • Roxas takes a serious dislike to Axel.
  • Roxas has never had a gay thought in his life.
  • Axel is usually a bit of a man whore.
  • Axel flirts with him shamelessly.
  • Roxas warms up.
  • Axel and Roxas bang (And when they do, Roxas is always a virgin and Axel isn't).
That's the pretty basic guidelines of an Akuroku story. It hardly every deviates. As far as my memory serves, I've never come across a fanfic where Roxas is going after Axel. It just doesn't happen. Granted, there are times where Roxas is knowingly bisexual or gay, but not often. 

Now, let's look at Zemyx:

  • Zexion and Demyx meet, most likely through Axel.
  • Demyx takes a severe liking to Zexion.
  • Zexion finds him the most annoying thing on earth.
  • Demyx works his way into Zexion's heart.
  • Zexion realized that, in fact, he really does like Demyx.
  • Lo and behold, they bang.
Soku and Cleon are quite similar. Also, the setting is almost ALWAYS high school or college, which makes sense, considering how old the writers are. Again, it's not to say these stories are bad, either; some of them are quite good. But there's not a lot of originality in them. Every so often there are some "in-game" stories, but it's usually along the lines of "We don't have hearts, but when we have sex it feels like we do". Again, not bad, but not original, either.

Harry Potter stories are usually the same cookie cutter as well. For Sirius and Remus:
  • The girls are always best friends with Lily.
  • She helps them get James and Lily together.
  • She convinces Lily that the Marauders aren't "that bad".
  • With Sirius, they hate each others guts, until they don't.
  • With Remus, there are a million trust issues.
  • There's always a Slut!sue that puts a thorn in the relationship, but they get past it.
  • At the end of 7th year, they marry.
You get the idea where all of this is going. So, why do we read fanfictions if they're all the same mold? Well, why do we keep reading vampire novels, or teen drama stuff? Because it's interesting. It's unoriginal, but entertaining. And somehow, we like this. 

If I ever get a story down on paper, I plan to change all this. Starting with Roxas/OC girl not being a virgin (because she always is! And the Axel/Sirius/Remus/Draco never is. It irks me). What else from there, I'll let you know.

Wander safely,

*Asterisks are down here this time*
Akuroku = Axel x Roxas
Zemyx = Zexion x Demyx
Soku = Sora x Riku
Cleon = Cloud x Leon

If you're interested, there are fanfictions posted in that lovely Internet = Life tab :)

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