Friday, March 25, 2011

Glitter is the Herpes of the Arts and Crafts World

Wow, this is getting out late. Many apologies to...Well, let's be real, here, I've got no readers. In that case, we'll apologize to Whimsy, seeing as BOW'11 is her challenge and all. To make it worse, I've got no real post planned for everyone. Shame on Arc, I know.

The last week has been terribly uninteresting. Lots of running around through spring break, seeing people, getting covered in glitter that WON'T. GO. AWAY., and getting sick. But mostly glitter. Have I mentioned  how much glitter has infected my living spaces? The car, my bedroom, my dorm room, the bathroom....A friend once told me,

"Glitter is the herpes of the Arts and Crafts' world; it spreads like crazy and it's impossible to get rid of."

Holy hell was she right.

By the way, Arc being sick is a lot like Arc with a broken brain, albeit much slower. I've had several conversations where my train of thought interrupted itself with something seemingly completely unrelated and for a long time I had no sense of what day it is. For instance, on Wednesday morning I was convinced it was Tuesday. By that evening, my mind was telling me it was Friday. I've also had a lot of trouble keeping the truth straight. For example;

Arc: I've been living off Triscuits lately. They're like the bane of my diet.
Friend: That's not so bad. Triscuts are good.
Arc: Yeah, they are yummy.....I lied. I'm not living off Triscuits. They're really Wheat Thins.
Friend: ...How could you lie to me like that?

I've also discovered my college friends are mother hens. They keep dragging me to the cafeteria and won't let me leave until I've purchased what they consider a "decent meal", when all Arc wants to eat are strawberry pops (which, of course, she's eaten the cafeteria out of). They also shove really nasty cold medicine down my throat. 

It's safe to say I've missed a LOT of class this week. One on Monday and all my classes on Wednesday and Thursday. I have a total of eight classes a week and I've only made it to THREE. 



...It's just occurred to me how sad that is. 

I actually woke up on Thursday morning and sat in bed for a good twenty minutes trying to decide if class was worth it. I'm not sure who was a worse influence; Nyquil, or a friend I knew who was skipping. Either way, I ended up going back to bed.

The only really productive thing I've done this week that's worth sharing is finishing Unwind by Neal Shusterman. If you haven't read it, GO READ IT. But be warned; the book is fairly dark. There are sections that will leave you feeling terribly unclean. But the world, the story, and the characters are so real. Seriously, I highly recommend it.

I'll be honest, I was more focused in making sure I had a post than making sure it was a good one. Better luck next week.

Wander safely,

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