Monday, March 7, 2011

Thursday Night, I Broke My Brain

Oh, GOD, Thursday night.

First, a recap of my day. I didn't go to bed until around three in the morning on Wednesday night and had trouble falling asleep. I woke up around five am and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to recite my presentation for class. I woke up again around eight because there are SQUIRRELS in my walls that like to scratch around and wake people up. Arc pounded on the walls for a while, missed the bus for class, forgot her presentation, and then dived head first into a lot of overdue readings she's been ignoring.

Now, picture this: it's 11:30 at night, Arc didn't sleep well, had a bad day, and has been reading about sexual revolutions and parapsychology for the last eight hours. And then she called Whimsy via Skype. Poor Whimsy.

My mind was broken. Whimsy got me talking about video games (can you guess which one in particular?). I was something like this:

"I know all about the Organization and I love them to death, they're called Organization thirteen because there are thirteen members and they're all nobodies, nobodies are people that lost their hearts but their bodies were left behind and they became new people and they're all men except for Larxene but she's scary enough to be a man so it doesn't matter and I swear to GOD they're all fucking each other because fandom took over my favorites are VIII and XIII and IX and IV and in the fandom there's a day called Akuroku day and it's 8/13 because those are their numbers and we treat it like a holiday and we post Akuroku stories on that day and sometimes they post stories on February 13th because that's Roxas's birthday and I only know that because it just happened and 6/9 is Zemyx day but not as many people celebrate that because it's not as cannon as Akuroku and I don't understand why they're the "bad guys" of the games because all they're trying to do is get their hearts back and to do that they have to kill the heartless which is a good thing because then they're helping me but for some reason I need to kill them all and I hate killing them all because I love them but they're ridiculously hard to beat and I get really into fighting them, have I mentioned I turn into an utter bitch when I play video games? I insult everyone even the characters I like, like Yuffie, she's a ninja and she's funny but she dresses like a whore so whenever I see her on the screen I call her whore and insult her, and the same thing happens with the Organization, like Demyx, he's number IX and he's really hard to beat so after six million times of fighting him I finally win and I start screaming things like "HA! WHAT NOW! IN YOUR FUCKING FACE!" and then I realize he's actually dead and I get really upset and start crying."

....Now imagine that spoken really, really fast.

This went on for a good hour or so, my mindless chatter only stopping when Whimsy started yelling and waving her arms to get my attention, which would prompt me to start giggling and slam my head into the desk. Here's another ramble, started because Whimsy mentioned Final Fantasy:

"The villain from FFVII is Sephiroth and I love him to death but that actually might be because he scares the pants off Charna and I like scaring Charna but he's also really badass he was the strongest person in SOLDIER but he was also bat shit insane, there's this thing called the Lifestream that circles the planet and everyone gets life from it and when they die they join the lifestream again and Sephiroth wanted to use the lifestream to make the planet move and crash into other planets and I swear to God he wanted to play Grand Theft: Galaxy and no one could stop because he was really really strong because Lucrectia was an idiot and didn't listen to Vincent and injected Sephiroth with all this GENETIC MUTATION SHIT while she was still pregnant with him and it made him really really strong and then he turned evil and his favorite person to bully was Cloud and he was always going on about "What do you cherish most? I want the pleasure of taking it away from you" and did I mention Cloud is really short? He's like 5'7" and Sephiroth is 6'5"and that's like Charna and Mr Eppler but you never really notices because they never show them standing next to each other expect when they're fighting but then they're always in the air when they're fighting or Cloud is jumping so they always seem eye to eye and fighting Sephiroth isn't really fair because he carries a sword that's TALLER THAN HE IS can you imagine trying to get close to him with a weapon like that? But Cloud's sword is really wide and I don't understand how he picks it up with one arm but that still doesn't make it fair because Sephiroth can just stand there and wave the sword around and there's nothing you can do. They actually put Sephiroth in KH and it's funny because he has nothing to do with the story but he's still the hardest boss and he puts Ansem to shame even though Ansem is really Xehanort who was Ansem's apprentice who went all evil and took Ansem's identity and tries to kill you in about six different forms, kind of like Maleficent, but Maleficent is more badass than Ansem/Xehanort because she doesn't flinch or make those weird "UGH" noises like Ansem/Xehanort and she TURNS INTO A FREAKING DRAGON. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO BEAT A DRAGON?"

At some point, Whimsy left before the crazy could rub off on her and Arc spent twenty minutes sitting at her desk, giggling and banging her head against it.

When I told Mater about this, she just laughed and said, "Now, that sounds more like college. I'm glad I'm getting my money's worth!".

...Gee, thanks, Mater.


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