Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer, Summer, Summer, Summer!

It's here!

The title is actually a part of a song from Charlotte's Web (a musical version I was in at a church near my house). It was HORRIBLE. We had broadway-grade music for a cast that was mostly minors. Our director kept flipping out because the adults kept missing their notes and the tempo....The song, or at least what I remember, went like this;

"Summer, summer, summer, summer, summer's coming in!
Time for wearing shorts, and sports and getting nothing done!
Summer's meant for fun!"

The only song more evil on toast than this was the County Fair Song and it's reprises. Every piece didn't work alone at all, but together it sounded good. I had to start this one.

"A wonderful day for a fair.
A wonderful day for a fair,
A wonderful day for a fair,
Here are your slops!

[Insert spoken lines I don't remember]

And Mr. Zuckerman's thinking of taking you
In the old pickup truck today and exhibit you there,
Down at the county fair!"

Although, really, this wasn't what I intended to write about today.

I love summer. Not so much the heat, but, as "Summer" put it, the shorts and getting nothing done. Pater and I planted the garden last week, so soon we'll have all sorts of veggies coming in; tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, squash, eggplant...Happy Arc is happy. And redundant.

The sad thing about summer, however, is job hunting. I don't mind the idea of having a job. I actually quite welcome it. But no one is hiring! It's so upsetting. I want to be busy(-ish)! And have monies! I will do manual labor for it!

Even WORSE, I had an interview at Borders. Not that Borders is evil. Quite the opposite. I love bookstores. I live in the one near my house. The problem is that, two weeks after a pretty good interview, I still haven't heard anything :(

I called a week after, and was told the hiring manager was in training. This could mean I'm shit out of luck, or that he was getting trained for something else. They took my info and said they'd get back to me.

They don't.

I call a second time and they tell me it's the weekend and they don't look this stuff up on the weekend; they're too busy. Again, they take my info and say they'll get back to me.

They don't.

I call a THIRD time and they tell me the hiring manager is on VACATION and won't be back until the end of the week. They take my info...You get the idea. And it's getting old.

Any of you lovelies want to hire me? I'll be good, I promise. I'll do (just about) anything for minimum wage!

Tell me about YOUR summer plans and loves :)

Wander safely,

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